
Who is Gluten Libre?


i’m Chloé

Founder of Gluten Libre


Let me tell you my story

Chloé , gluten intolerant & food lover

I was diagnosed in 2013 when I turned 18. The year of the baccalaureate and carefree; the year in which one feels immortal. The year in which you live 2000% of your time. 

Not the year when you are told that all your life you will have to pay attention to everything you eat! 

When I was 18 years old, I wanted to travel the world, I wanted to discover, I wanted to experience life to the fullest. And even if being gluten intolerant doesn’t mean being seriously ill (although for some people intolerance is harder than others), I didn’t want to suffer this new culinary life, quite the contrary. 


My life from that moment

Once my intolerance was diagnosed, no more pain, no more discomfort, I could finally regain my strength.

It was a real relief to know where my stomach pain and fatigue came from… but, I won’t go into details, you know what they are. 

And despite everything, things didn’t resolve as quickly as I would have liked. But it’s true that paying attention to each meal gave my body back its strength and energy. I finally knew what foods were good for me!

What a happiness!

Nevertheless, all the conviviality of the meals was, at times, biased. Everything had to be controlled, tested, questioned. The complexity of finding the right shoe for me took precedence over my pleasure in going to a restaurant or having dinner with friends or family. 

There were also these redundant questions: “Why don’t you eat like me!? » Above all, the apriorities: “it’s not cool! You can’t eat anything anymore … ” ” but in fact what does it do to you when you eat gluten, you can’t even eat a little bit of it ? “At least taste it! »

Then one day, naturalness came back at full gallop: I decided to cook some food, but only the way I wanted to! Just as I dreamed, with ingredients that suited me and also corresponded to my culinary desires. 

 Combining delicacy, pleasure and health became essential. 


bali home
bali food
Travel Bali


So I stole the recipes from the internet, I searched, looked, explored, took the ingredients of some, the flavors of others, mixed, tried, tried again, redone, put back, added, removed …  

I loved doing that! In addition to managing my meals, I was finally able to share my dishes with my friends and family and show them that eating gluten-free was not without taste or flavor. 

 Throughout this part of my culinary discovery, a sweet craving was beginning to emerge… And in other countries, how do they do it?

Travelling, my second passion. When I was younger, I was lucky enough to go to England for several months to a boarding school. A revelation: the world was to be discovered, in my own way. 

A few years later, I took my sandals, my bag, my backpacker’s guide and my phone! Destination: BALI ! 

Only problem, I had to find an internship ! And there we go, my phone as a savior, frantically tapping on my screen, on the plane and between two airports, I found an internship with Facebook in less than 48 hours. 6 months of happiness ! 

At the end, I had the choice, either to go back home and spend the last 6 months of my schooling in France, or to travel. 

I’ll let you guess which choice I made. 

When I met more than 300 restaurateurs

Vamos! South America! Here I am … my hat, my phone, and my recipe book! And all this in a van!

Traveling forges youth, YES ! and the people that you meet forge the projects! 

I was able to live gluten-free in wonderful countries, I discovered recipes, I went to the kitchens, I was offered a hand, I was told stories and cooking secrets … Especially in Bali where there were many gluten-free restaurants, & where I was able to exchange with many cooks and restaurant owners. 

These 6 months have been wonderful! The closer we got to the fateful date of our return, the more an idea in me germinated … the sharing of all these flavors … in a box 

The Gluten Libre box was born.

I wanted to share with everyone my gluten-free and gourmet life: my life without limits to gourmandize.  

Why a gluten free box?

Space cat

I’m enterprising, I love life, sharing, making things happen… As soon as I came back, I took action. The subject of my final thesis was all there was to it! My last year of school was spent creating this project, imagining it, making it possible.

Wild cooking

Once the diploma in my pocket I launched Gluten Libre in May 2020: first box, first returns. So I wasn’t the only one who was at a dead end. This box is gluten free and accessible to all the food lovers who might want it.

Space cat from the top

I also wanted the gluten-free box to be responsible: recycled cardboard, European products, biodegradable plastic balls, partners from the French craft industry, working with young people, and why not help people in rehabilitation. 
I wanted this box to be solidary, French (as much as possible) and eco responsible. 

Now it’s your turn to travel in my van, with my sandals and my hat… I would be happy to have you at my table to share all these gluten-free and food lover moments.