Gluten free restaurants Collaborative map
Gluten-free addresses around the world
Gluten free restaurants collaborative map
The collaborative map was created to highlight gluten free restaurants around the world. Chloe had the idea to propose this map in order to share with her community her favorite gluten-free addresses that she has tested during her numerous trips.
The idea of the map is the following: you can find addresses of gluten free restaurants, bars, bakeries, hotels, supermarkets and universities/schools, all offering at least 1 gluten-free option.
On the menu? Places that offer gluten-free dishes cooked with gluten-free products (pasta, burgers, pizza, salad, fish & chips, flours, bread, pastries, ice cream etc.)
The gluten free restaurants map is collaborative
How? You can answer a short questionnaire to indicate the addresses of the gluten free restaurants you have tried. The addresses will then be verified by the Gluten Libre team and shared on the map.
Why? By collaborating together, the map will grow faster and everyone will be able to benefit from the sharing of gluten-free addresses.
How many gluten free addresses do we have right now on the map?
More than 1 915 702 visits on the gluten free restaurants map today!
Up to you to play!
We are counting on you to share as many gluten-free addresses as possible in order to help all people looking for gluten-free products or dishes around the world. Become part of the Gluten Libre community and let's create together a unique and useful collaborative map!

View the collaborative map
Here is the current gluten free collaborative map which is growing day by day! Restaurants, bakeries, gluten-free stores everywhere in France but also around the world. Take advantage of it quickly, by clicking here, add these addresses to your google map.

Add a gluten free address
Do you also have addresses to share with us? If so, answer this short questionnaire that will only take you a few minutes. Your gluten-free address will then be examined before being shared on the Gluten Libre gluten-free collaborative map!
Thanks a lot for your share.