The origin of the enchiladas is of course, Mexico! And yes, maybe some of you don’t really know what it is. Here’s a little explanation on how to make this recipe for gluten free enchiladas.
They are simply gluten-free tortillas (made from corn flour) that roll up ingredients such as chicken, beef, red beans or cheese. Originally, enchiladas were wrapped with fish, but new generations have created even more generous and very original dishes.
Today we are going to discover together the traditional recipe of our time, the beef one!

Here are the ingredients you will need for about 6 gluten free tortillas:
- 70g rice flour
- 30g corn flour
- 30g corn starch
- 10cl of water
- 1 pinch of salt
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
And for your garnish:
- 400 g of ground beef
- 1 can of 300g of red beans
- 80 g Emmental cheese
- 3 large tomatoes
- 1 red pepper
- 1 onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 lime
- 2 teaspoons sweet or hot chilli and/or cumin
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper
Preparation of gluten free tortillas:
STEP 1: In the bowl of a food processor, mix corn flour, rice flour, starch and salt. Then heat the water on the side.
STEP 2: Pour the warm water and olive oil into your food processor bowl with your dry ingredients, and knead until you have a non-sticky dough. Adjust according to your dough.
STEP 3: Make a tube with your dough, and cut 6 nice slices that you will take in your hands to form small balls of dough. Let stand under plastic wrap for 45 minutes.
STEP 4: Between two sheets of baking paper, spread a ball of dough by a ball of dough to make nice gluten-free tortillas.
STEP 5: Cook each tortilla in a double-sided frying pan for 1 minute on each side and set aside.
For gluten free enchiladas:
STEP 1: Peel your onion, and fry it in a pan with a little olive oil. Then add the garlic and beef. Cook for 10 minutes.
STEP 2: During the cooking time, cube your pepper and tomatoes. Add your pepper to the pan, half of the tomatoes, and your red beans, drained and rinsed.
STEP 3: Add your spices, salt and pepper and let it cook for 10 minutes until the water in the tomatoes has evaporated. Add lemon juice
STEP 4: Preheat your oven at 200°. In your tortilla, put some of your filling, then roll them up. And put them in an oven dish. When you have spread your filling in your tortilla, mix the remaining tomatoes, and put the juice on the gluten free enchiladas with grated emmental cheese. I had a few pieces of green peppers left over, so I spread them on top of my dish.
STEP 5: Bake for 20 minutes!
Enjoy it hot, you’ll see, it’s delicious, I really loved it. It’s a super original dish, and quite healthy in the end.
Good tasting guys. For other recipes it’s over here.