Humm des madeleines ! Yes, it is from France, and sooo good! Very easy to make you will enjoy it so much for any time of the week ! Let’s discover with us the easiest way to make gluten free madeleine. I got inspired from a French cooker that makes it really greedy, and as a french girl, I can not make mistakes 😉

For 24 madeleines, it takes 20 min to do!
- 3 whole eggs
- 20 g honey
- 2 pinches salt
- 100 g sugar
- 5 g baking powder
- 150 g rice flour
- 25 g cornstarch
- 125 g butter
- lemon zest
STEP 1: Whisk the eggs with sugar, honey and salt vigorously for 2/3 minutes until the mixture whitens.
STEP 2: Then add the flour, starch, baking powder and butter (It has to be soft, not hard, not melter, soft ! ;)) and continue to whisk until the butter is completely incorporated.
STEP 3: Add the lemon zest
STEP 4 : the most important, the cooking! A little tip for the “bump” (and yes, madeleine means bump!): Let stand in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours (ideally overnight) or in the freezer for 20/30 minutes then put in an oven at 240 degrees for 1 minute then lower to 210 degrees for 4 minutes and finally to 180 for 4 minutes. In fact, it is the “shock” of temperature that creates the hump, in other words, alternating very cold and very hot should help you form the pretty hump that is characteristic of madeleines.
Let cool before unmolding, then enjoy!
So, not that complicated, isn’t?
Can’t wait to see your creation and don’t forget, travel eat & enjoy !
By Chloé