What’s more honest than Honest? Their gluten free burgers in London! Yes yes, this restaurant wanted to be honest from the A to Z by revealing to everyone, all the origins of the products and ingredients used!
Gluten free burgers are cool, but gluten free burgers with local products are even better!
We’re a huge fan!
Welcome to this great restaurant called Honest, very friendly, welcoming, and full of good mood and amazing smells!
When you are going to pass by this place, you’ll never be able to avoid it! It smells all the way down the street. Burgers like this, there’s no two of them!
What do we like about Honest? Their craftsmanship, their taste for the good stuff, and their mastery in all their kitchens! And of course, all their team that makes the experience even more unique. Situated in London, Reading, Bristol, Cardiff, Brighton, Manchester and Liverpool, Honest make their own beef in their own butcher shop, and rosemary crisps every morning!
What we love even more? Is that the price of the burger also includes fries. Because for Honest, the rosemary fries “they are not extra, they are an essential”
Best of all, they have à la carte burgers that don’t change and also offer limited recipes over several days. It’s up to you to look at their site right here to find out which original burger you’ll be able to taste. Last time, there was one with lobster. Original, right?
Not all burgers are originally gluten free, but all can be made gluten free!
If you look at their menu (which is super well done by the way), you’ll be able to see all the allergies indicated on each of the dishes on the menu. You can also get vouchers to get small prices on your burgers.
It’s up to you to choose between a chicken, beef, or vegetarian and vegan burger! And you know what, all their sides are gluten free too! Including the onion rings ! Hummmm I love it !
My cousin went for me, and she loved it. You have to be ready and not eat at least 1 hour before because the burgers are gigantic. You, big eaters, this restaurant puts you in competition. Are you gonna be able to finish these gluten free burgers in London?
Share it to your friends so I can help even more people!
Hope you will love this place as much as we did!
By Chloé