Gluten free blog
Hello everyone, I am delighted to see you again. Here I share with you all my gluten-free tips, my advice on how to better manage your gluten-free life, all the information about gluten in general, and the news about Gluten Libre..
The certified gluten-free box – Gluten Libre
A certified gluten-free box, that's what Gluten Libre offers you. Chloé only works with suppliers who have the AFDIAG logo or who work in workshops where no gluten is present (no cross-contamination). Indeed, some brands have decided to use only naturally gluten-free...
Do oats contain gluten or not?
Do oats contain gluten? Should I remove oats from my gluten-free diet? Oats with or without gluten? For a long time the subject has been debated, it is sometimes complicated to understand if oats contain gluten or not. The answer is quite simple: the storage proteins...
Top 11 of gluten-free bakeries in Marseille and Aix-en-Provence!
Good gluten-free bakeries in Marseille and Aix-en-Provence where it is possible to find gluten-free bread or pastries? It's here! I lived for more than 10 years in Aix and I'm not going to lie to you, it's not always very easy to find gluten-free bakeries in...
Hello, I'm Chloé
Fonder & CEO of Gluten Libre
Intolerant to gluten since 2013, big traveler and fan of good food, I have always refused to suffer from my dietary difference, so why not you?