Gluten free blog
Hello everyone, I am delighted to see you again. Here I share with you all my gluten-free tips, my advice on how to better manage your gluten-free life, all the information about gluten in general, and the news about Gluten Libre..

The 9 naturally gluten-free desserts
When we start a gluten-free life, the first thing that usually comes to mind is: what are the naturally gluten-free desserts that we will be able to eat when we go to restaurants or that we will be able to cook with the certainty of not missing out? Yes, culinary...

My 13 gluten-free desserts to try!
Gluten-free is nice, but especially when you find good gluten-free desserts that are not too complicated to make and above all tasty and yummy. So here we are, it's been a little while since I launched Gluten Libre and believe me, I've had the time to test, miss and...

Interview with Caffé Shop, a gluten-free Italian restaurant in Paris
In January 2020, I went to Paris for 1 month to meet gluten-free restaurants. Here is the very first gluten-free Italian restaurant in Paris that I had the chance to interview. Nicolas, chef of the Italian restaurant Caffé Shop in the 11th arrondissement took us to...

Hello, I'm Chloé
Fonder & CEO of Gluten Libre
Intolerant to gluten since 2013, big traveler and fan of good food, I have always refused to suffer from my dietary difference, so why not you?