Gluten free blog
Hello everyone, I am delighted to see you again. Here I share with you all my gluten-free tips, my advice on how to better manage your gluten-free life, all the information about gluten in general, and the news about Gluten Libre..

Where to order a gluten-free meal in Paris?
This year, Valentine's Day will take place at home or at least not in a restaurant. Yes, it's sad but at Gluten Libre, we don't take it so bad after all... because February 14th is a Sunday, so what better way to spend a nice Valentine's Day than to order a...

Celiac, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy: what are the differences?
According to a study conducted by Ross Albert B. et al in 2020, in recent years, gluten has become a topic that has become very important to physicians because it is associated with a wide range of diseases. Three gluten-related diseases are generally referred to as...

What is gluten?
Gluten, its definition and origin The history of gluten In France and even elsewhere, "gluten is a natural and historical component of our diet". Gluten comes from classical Latin and means "glue, gum". After hydration, gluten is formed from vegetable proteins that...

Hello, I'm Chloé
Fonder & CEO of Gluten Libre
Intolerant to gluten since 2013, big traveler and fan of good food, I have always refused to suffer from my dietary difference, so why not you?