
Gluten free blog

Hello everyone, I am delighted to see you again. Here I share with you all my gluten-free tips, my advice on how to better manage your gluten-free life, all the information about gluten in general, and the news about Gluten Libre..


What is gluten?

What is gluten?

Gluten, its definition and origin The history of gluten In France and even elsewhere, "gluten is a natural and historical component of our diet". Gluten comes from classical Latin and means "glue, gum". After hydration, gluten is formed from vegetable proteins that...

Hello, I'm Chloé

Hello, I'm Chloé

Fonder & CEO of Gluten Libre

Intolerant to gluten since 2013, big traveler and fan of good food, I have always refused to suffer from my dietary difference, so why not you?

Discover my last gluten-free recipes